How to complete watch time on youtube.How to complete 4000 watch hours.How to complete watch time youtube.How to complete 4000 hours watch time.How to complete 4000 hours in youtube.

How to complete watch time on youtube.How to complete 4000 watch hours.How to complete watch time youtube.How to complete 4000 hours watch time.How to complete 4000 hours in youtube.

How to complete watch time on youtube.How to complete 4000 watch hours.How to complete watch time youtube.How to complete 4000 hours watch time.How to complete 4000 hours in youtube.

In this article, I will explain how to check the total playback time on YouTube, the benefits, and the tips to increase the total playback time.

Yo can produce videos efficiently just by knowing how to increase the watch time, which is the standard for monetization and user evaluation on YouTube.

In order to make it easier for those who are about to distribute videos as a YouTuber, we will also introduce the meaning of the total playback time, so please refer to it.

What is watch time?

"Total Play Time" refers to the total amount of time that a user watched a video for all users who watched the video and for all videos posted by the YouTuber within the channel.

On YouTube, it is possible to earn advertising income by placing advertisements at the beginning or middle of the video, and the total playback time is an important condition for obtaining advertising income.

If you want to make money as a YouTuber quickly, be conscious of creating videos and channels that many users will watch for a long time.

Requires 4,000 watch hours to monetize

To monetize a YouTube video, you must have at least 4,000 hours of watch time.

In addition, there is a condition that the number of subscribers is 1,000 or more, but in order to increase the number of subscribers, it is necessary to have many users watch the video for a long time.

In order to clear the goal of monetization, there is no choice but to continue to distribute videos regularly.

Give priority to increasing the total playback time by producing videos that allow users to quickly obtain the information they want to know and create interesting videos.

How to check your watch time

In order to increase the total playback time, let's start by checking how much total playback time is currently.

I'll show you how to do this in the following two steps.

  • How to check the watch time of an entire channel
  • How to check total watch time by video

Total play time for the entire channel

  1. 1 Click your profile icon in the top right corner and select YouTube Studio
  2. 2 Click Analytics from the left menu bar
  3. 3 Check from the "Total play time (hours)" item on the overview tab

Watch time by video

  1. 1 After checking the total playback time of the entire channel, click "Total playback time (time)" to display the graph
  1. 2 Click "Details" at the bottom left of the grap
  1. 3 Check the total playback time for each video from the list below the graph displayed on the details screen.

What are the benefits of extending the play time?

From here, we will introduce the benefits obtained by extending the total playback time in the following three items.

  1. The number of views increases because it is easier to be posted in recommended and related videos
  2. Increased ad revenue as more ads are seen
  3. Easy to become a fan of your channel

It is important to increase the total playback time for both those who are aiming to monetize from now on and those who have already monetized, so please refer to it.

The number of views increases because it is easier to be posted in recommended and related videos

Videos with a long total play time have the advantage of being more likely to be posted on YouTube's recommended section and related videos.

This is because a video with a long watch time is considered to be relevant to the audience's needs.

YouTube uses its own algorithm to analyze user behavior and reflect the results in recommendations and related videos, which makes it easier to click and results in longer playback times.

Recommendations are the first page people see when they open YouTube, and it's also where users are most likely to discover new channels and videos.

Related videos are displayed where you can see them while you are watching a video.

If your ad appears in recommended and related videos, and the number of views increases, the number of times the first ad will be seen will increase, resulting in higher ad revenue.

Increased ad revenue as more ads are seen

The longer the watch time, the more people will see your ad and the more ad revenue you will earn.

Advertisements can be set for the following points in YouTube videos.

  • Beginning of video
  • In the middle of the video (mid-roll ads are limited to videos longer than 8 minutes)

If people click to play the video, they will most likely see the opening ad, but mid-roll ads will only be seen if they keep watching.

Therefore, by devising a way to extend the playback time, the possibility that the ad will be seen not only at the beginning of the video but also in the middle will increase.

If you are a YouTuber who has already met the conditions for monetization of 4,000 hours of total playback time, let's try to increase the total playback time in order to further increase ad revenue.

Easy to become a fan of your channel

If the total watch time increases, there is an advantage that it is easy to become a fan of the YouTube channel.

Users decide which videos to watch based on recommendations, related videos, and results displayed in search results.

Even if they are clicked by an attractive thumbnail or title, if the content of the video does not match their search intent or the quality of the video is low, they will not watch it to the end.

On the other hand, watching the video to the end means that they liked the content and editing of the video, so there is a high possibility that they will become fans saying, "I want to watch videos on this channel again."

If you become a fan of your video or channel, the number of impressions will increase, the evaluation from YouTube will increase, and the number of subscribers will increase, which will lead to an increase in the number of views.

5 ways to increase watch time

From here, we will introduce the following five tips for increasing the total playback time.

  1. Check your retention in YouTube Studio
  2. Where the viewing retention rate is declining, we will improve it in the next and subsequent videos
  3. Analyze the reason why the viewership retention rate is increasing and incorporate it into the next video
  4. See relative audience retention and compare to competitor videos
  5. Invite them to subscribe or watch another video

Please refer to it while checking the playback time and content of the video you are posting.

① Check the viewership retention rate in YouTube Studio

To increase your watch time, it's important to first check your retention rate in YouTube Studio.

View retention rate is an index that shows how long all the users who watched the video watched it.

It is important to increase this viewing retention rate in order for YouTube to evaluate it as "a good video that I want to recommend to users".

A high viewing retention rate means that the video is beneficial to many users, and it was so interesting that they watched it to the end.

A high audience retention rate and a long total watch time are highly correlated, so be sure to keep an eye on the current situation by checking regularly.

  1. Open YouTube Studio
  2. Click Analytics from the left menu bar
  3. Open the "Engagement" tab
  4. Scroll down and check from the item "viewing retention rate"
  5. Click Details in the bottom left to see viewership retention by video

Estimated audience retention rate

The viewership retention rate is around 20% on average, and videos from popular channels with a long total playback time are said to have an audience retention rate of 40% or more.

If the video is longer than 20 minutes, it drops to 30%, but if you want to create a monetizable channel as a YouTuber, aim for a 40% retention rate.

② Where the viewing retention rate is declining, we will improve it in the next and subsequent videos

In order to increase the total watch time, it is important to understand the part where the viewer retention rate is declining and to make improvements in the next video that will be distributed.

In YouTube Studio Analytics, you can also see the view retention rate for each video, and use the graph to see which part of the video has the lowest view retention rate.

③ Analyze the reason why the viewing retention rate is increasing and incorporate it into the next video

In order to increase watch time, it is important to understand why viewer retention is increasing and apply it to future videos.

Let's check the audience retention rate graph and pay attention to the part where the audience retention rate is increasing.

If your audience retention rate is higher than other parts of your video, it's possible that many of your viewers are replaying it over and over again.

④ Check your relative audience retention and compare it to your competitors' videos

To increase your watch time, it's also important to check your relative retention compared to your competitors' videos.

Relative retention is a metric that tells you whether your video retains above average or below average viewership compared to videos of similar duration posted on YouTube.

If the analysis result is above average, improve the valley part while keeping the good part, and if it is below average, start by looking for the overall composition and improvement points.

⑤ Encourage them to subscribe to the channel and watch other videos

In order to increase the total watch time, it is necessary to have users watch not only the video they are currently watching, but also other videos posted on the channel to increase the total watch time.

To get people interested in another video, try the following tricks in your video or in the description:

  • Invite people to subscribe to the channel by inserting the line "Please subscribe to the channel" in the video or in the description column.
  • Use cards to showcase relevant videos and playlists in your videos
  • Include links to relevant videos and playlists in the description

The more subscribers you have, the more people will watch each new video you post, which will increase your watch time.


In this article, I explained how to check the total playback time on YouTube, the benefits, and the tips to increase the total playback time.

If you are a YouTuber who is aiming to monetize, aim for 4,000 hours of total playback time, and if you are a YouTuber who is already monetized, aim to clear the retention rate of 40%.

In order to increase the total watch time and viewing retention rate, it is important to use YouTube Studio analytics to thoroughly analyze the data for each video.

Let's reflect the analysis results as points to improve the videos to be produced in the future, and by repeatedly observing changes in the viewing retention rate, let's grow into a YouTube channel with a high total watch time.

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