How to get best keywords for youtube. How to find high cpm keywords for youtube. How to find best keywords for youtube.

How to get best keywords for youtube. How to find high cpm keywords for youtube. How to find best keywords for youtube. 

How to get best keywords for youtube. How to find high cpm keywords for youtube. How to find best keywords for youtube.

5 keyword selection methods when considering “search” on YouTube

When making videos on YouTube, you need to know your users' needs. This is because, just like article content, you can expect an increase in the effect of attracting customers by responding to the user's "want to know".

However, if you don't decide what "search keywords you want to display at the top", you can't take measures. To do that, you first need to understand how to research to get hints for search keywords on YouTube. In this article, Junji Nakayama, a YouTube consultant who operates the YouTube channel "Mielka Channel", introduces five methods of selecting keywords.

1. Use the autocomplete feature

This is the simplest keyword research method, using the YouTube search box.

This is the auto-complete display when you put a space after the word "second-hand apartment".
(Generally, it is also called "suggest word". Input candidate of keyword guessed from the character string being input)

You can get a glimpse of what people who search for "used condominiums" want to know.

It seems that there are people who want to rent, people who want to search, people who want to know the flow of purchases, people who want to invest, people who want to renovate, people who want to hear the voice of the buyer, people who want to determine the property, etc. is not it.

Next, let's look into how to enter a keyword after putting "_ (underscore)" in the YouTube search box.
With this method, 
you can find the original keywords related to “second-hand apartment” .

There are some parts that are covered, but you can see that the following people are also looking for solutions on YouTube.

  • People who want to know the application method for mortgage deduction (when purchasing a second-hand condominium)
  • People who are hesitating between new construction and second-hand condominiums
  • People who are looking for (used condominiums) by area
  • People who want to know how to get a discount (because they want to buy a second-hand condominium)
  • People who want to do renovation work (of second-hand apartments)
  • People looking for a renovation contractor (who specializes in second-hand condominiums)

2. View ahrefs Keywords Explorer

The next method is to use the famous paid tool “ahrefs”.A feature called Keywords Explorer makes it easy to find related words.Although the number is small, related keywords are displayed.I could imagine that there would be a certain number of people who would like to know "Points to note when purchasing" that could not be seen with the auto-complete function.

3. youtube analytics traffic sources

Next, take a hint from the traffic keywords of your own YouTube channel.

Using the analytics function of "YouTube Studio", you can see what keywords your viewers are coming from.

Let's check it from "YouTube search" in the traffic source.

By clicking [Details] above, you can also check the number of views and average viewing time for each keyword .

On rare occasions, you may be puzzled, "Why are you getting inflow with such a keyword?", but it may give you new discoveries and notices, so you should check the traffic source to know the demand. I recommend

4. Use the Keyword Tool

If you've ever worked on SEO, you may have heard of the "Keyword Tool".

In fact, besides Google, Amazon, and Bing, there is also a "YouTube" tab.

Even with the free version, it is possible to obtain related keywords.

However, the essential "search volume", "trend", "CPC (cost per click)" and "competition" cannot be understood without the paid version.

First of all, I think that the free version can be used as an initial survey to find out what words are being searched for, so I will introduce it.

5. Explore keywords used by competing channels

Also look at the competitive channels you're benchmarking from the perspective of getting keyword hints.

For example, YouTube videos can be tagged with hashtags by admins .

The purpose of these is "to reach more people via search" and "to be recognized by YouTube's AI", but in fact it is a treasure trove of information.

How to see hashtags

You may see keywords with "#" in the summary column of the video, but this is a hashtag. Hashtags are part of search results.

The word here is also a manifestation of the intention of "I want to be searched with this word". No reason not to check.

how to see tags

Tags affect the display of related videos. Check out what tags your competitors are tagging.

However, although hashtags can be seen on the screen, tags are hidden and are not displayed in the summary column.

Let's take a look using the free chrome extension "YouTube Tags". If you use this, the tag will be visualized in one shot.

However, sometimes it is a bug or an error is often displayed.

In such a case, right-click on the page of the Youtube video you want to check the tag → Click "View page source" OK.

Since the source will appear, you can check it by searching for "keyword" with "Ctrlt + F".

The above is the source of a certain do-it-yourself video, but if you search for "keyword", you will find it like this.
→"Carpentry work", "Wood dowels", and "Making shelves" are tags.

What is a wooden dowel? I looked it up and found that it is "a short round bar with rounded corners so that it can easily fit into a dowel hole in wood." They seem to choose together.

Tags affect the display of related videos and help you discover keywords, so don't forget to check them.

Here are some tips for choosing keywords for your YouTube videos.

All of them are research methods that I would like to do, but to be honest, it is troublesome because I have to go to see data here and there. If you want to "get keyword hints", "check inflow keywords", and "analyze competitive channels" all at once, we recommend the YouTube video customer attraction support tool "DOUGA MIERUCA".

Check in detail with DOUGA MIERUCA

“DOUGA MIERUCA (Video Mieruca) is a recommended tool for companies that operate YouTube channels .

Especially useful functions

In-house channel analysis
There is a function that allows you to analyze your own YouTube channel, such as viewing user attribute information, inflow keywords, viewing time, etc. I like it because I can get hints for planning.
Competitive Channel Comparison Survey
The ability to compare the number of registrants, the number of videos, the number of views, etc. with the competition is convenient for creating reports for superiors. This allows you to grasp the weaknesses of your channel and the improvement points that should be extended.
Finding material for video projects
You can check suggested keywords and frequently used themes on YouTube. At the same time, the average number of views and a list of influential channels are also displayed, so it is possible to conduct trend surveys to see what kind of projects should be used to create videos that are likely to receive a response.


Use professional wisdom with a free consultation

If you're in trouble, it's a waste of time to worry alone. Please feel free to use my wisdom that operates a company's YouTube channel. Since we have just started consulting services, we are actively accepting free consultations (about 30 minutes) .

In addition to keyword selection, we also provide consultation on concept formulation and market analysis. Please take this opportunity to grow your YouTube channel.

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