How To Increase Youtube Subscriber. How To Increase Subscribers On Youtube. How To Grow A Youtube Channel Fast. How To Grow Youtube Channel. How To Grow Your Youtube Channel Free.

How To Increase Youtube Subscriber. How To Increase Subscribers On Youtube. How To Grow A Youtube Channel Fast. How To Grow Your Youtube Channel Free.

How To Increase Youtube Subscriber. How To Increase Subscribers On Youtube. How To Grow A Youtube Channel Fast. How To Grow Your Youtube Channel Free.

 How To Grow Youtube Channel

There are many way to grow your youtube channel and grow on youtube .But in this articele. I describe some majer and key points to easily under stand how to increase views fast and how to increase subscriber fast . So read this articele completely

Index that can be tapped

Clarifying the target by narrowing down the channel genre to one

Optimize your videos for YouTube search

o YouTube search predictions

o TubeBuddy

Be conscious of quality over quantity

o A good example of a channel posting quality videos

Add music and sound effects to your videos

o Things to keep in mind when using music and sound effects

o Recommended music material sites that can be used with confidence

Create eye-catching thumbnails

o Canva (free design tool)

o Affinity Photo

Collaborate with other YouTubers (YouTube channels)

analyze your video

Post videos regularly

Add an "end screen" to your video

Add image/logo watermark to video

Promote your channel on other platforms too

Reply politely to comments on your videos

Comment on videos on channels that are related to your channel

Do not promote unwanted products

be aware of trends

Clarifying the target by narrowing down the channel genre to one

I touched on it a little in my previous article " How to start YouTube ", but if you want to increase the number of subscribers to your channel, the first thing you should do is

It means narrowing down the genre of the channel to one and clarifying the target .

Who do you post videos to on your channel?

It would be nice to be able to answer in one word.

Useful videos for housewives raising children?

Camping-related videos for men in their 30s who love camping?

Yoga videos for women in their 40s?

In the case of CreatorWays (this media), we distribute videos with the main target of "content creators who want to earn money online".

The reasons why you should narrow down the genre of the channel to one and clarify the target are as follows.

When the “target audience” finds your video/channel

It 's this this. the channel i was looking for I hope to see more videos soon!

Because I feel that the probability of getting a channel registration increases .

I think it's hard to imagine even if you say that, so let's take "CreatorWays (this media)" as an example.

For example, let's say there is a person who wants to start YouTube by editing videos on a smartphone.

I want to start YouTube, but I don't have a computer. I want to edit videos on my smartphone.

The flow of actions until this person subscribes to the CreatorWays channel can be expected as follows.


Find video editing apps


You can see that the video editing application "InShot" is popular


Interested in InShot, search "How to use InShot" on YouTube


Find CreatorWays video "How to use InShot"


*Sometimes people subscribe to the channel just for this video


Check out what other videos are on the CreatorWays channel page


Find lots of other videos related to video shooting and editing



"This is it, this is the channel I was looking for."

If on the CreatorWays channel,

What if you randomly posted a “muscle training video” a week ago, a “cooking video” three days ago, and a “fishing video” yesterday?

I don't want to subscribe to your channel.

So, narrow down your channel to one genre and clarify your target.

If you have a clear target audience, you can naturally decide how to speak, the atmosphere of the video, how to edit it, etc., and it also has the advantage of making it easier for companies to contact you.

If you can't narrow it down to just one genre, you can choose two.

It is best to focus on one point at first. Later, I think it would be good to expand the range of content little by little.

Optimize your videos for YouTube search

I'm not sure what you mean by "optimize your videos for YouTube search", so in other words:

Embed keywords to be searched in the "Title/Summary/Tag" to display the video at the top of the search results.

about it. (although it's pretty rough)

To do this, you need to know the "keywords searched".

For example, "smartphone recommended", "iPhone Android comparison", etc.

I used two methods to know the "searched keywords" and optimized the video.

YouTube search predictions

The first method is to use YouTube's search prediction suggestions.

For example, if you type "video" in the YouTube search window, search candidates will be displayed as follows.

There are “video editing”, “video editing apps”, “how to make videos”, etc.

If you embed such words in the "title", "summary", and "tags", your video will be more likely to be displayed at the top of the search results when searched for those words.

If you put too many keywords, it may be treated as spam and the video may be deleted, so be careful. Keep it as

natural as possible for others to see .


Another way is a tool for optimizing videos called " TubeBuddy ".

TubeBuddy is an overseas tool, so it is written in English, but it is very popular with overseas YouTubers and is an official YouTube tool .

I wrote it as a tool, but it's actually a "browser extension".

There are many functions that can be used with TubeBuddy, but here we will introduce only the keyword analysis function called " Keyword Explorer ".

For example, if you search for "video editing" in "Keyword Explorer", the score of the keyword will be displayed as follows.

Only some paid functions can be viewed, so it is blurred just in case.

If you look at the "Overall Score", it says " Poor ".

Read the description below,

Although this keyword (video editing) is often searched, it is very competitive and therefore a bad target.

It is written.

Certainly, "video editing" is a trendy word. I have the impression that popular YouTubers are all posting videos about video editing.

In this case, it would be better to create a video targeting other keywords.

In this way, it is efficient and effective to create videos targeting keywords with high scores.

TubeBuddy can be started for free, so you should try it once.

I want to read together

The story of the rapid increase in the number of views of YouTube videos with TubeBuddy [Example release]

Be conscious of quality over quantity

Advice about YouTube, sometimes


If you start YouTube, make 50 videos for now.

I hear that, but this is not efficient.

"A few books made seriously" are much more valuable than "50 books made for the time being".

Every time you make a video, you should really think about:

What value does this video bring to viewers?

If you were the viewer, would you want to watch this video to the end?

Where should I improve to make the video better than the previous one?

High-quality videos are more likely to appear higher in search results, and are more likely to be displayed as recommended and related videos.

As a result, you can get many times more views than a poor quality video .

It also increases the chances of a “just viewer” turning into a “subscriber”.

A good example of a channel posting quality videos

A good example is the channel “ JunsKitchen ”.

The posting frequency of this channel is "about 4 to 5 in a year".

I have to say that the frequency of posting is low, but the quality of each video is high, and the number of channel subscribers is over 5.3 million.

Since I only post high quality and rich content videos, my subscribers continue to increase even if I don't post much.

Subscribers keep waiting for your next video without unsubscribing. (like hunter hunter)

Conversely, if you post low-quality videos frequently, you won't want to subscribe, and if you're already subscribed, you'll want to unsubscribe...

Even if you post less frequently, you should still maintain a certain level of quality .

Add music and sound effects to your videos

"Adding music and sound effects to videos" is important, but I get the impression that many people don't do it because it's troublesome.

If you watch videos of popular YouTubers, you'll notice that their videos use a lot of music and sound effects.

Same with TV shows.

If there were no benefits to adding music and sound effects, you wouldn't spend the time and money to do so.

Add music and sound effects to evoke emotions, grab attention, and highlight content to create memorable videos.

That way, your videos will be watched longer.

As a result, you will get more subscribers for your channel.

Things to keep in mind when using music and sound effects

When using music and sound effects, there are some things you need to be careful about.

That's " copyright violation ".

Occasionally, in YouTube videos, there are people who say, "It's copyright-free, so you can use it freely," but that might be dangerous.

This is because the person who made the video may have illegally downloaded and distributed music and sound effects that are prohibited from secondary distribution from "somewhere" .

To avoid trouble in advance, please use only music and sound effects downloaded from safe and reliable sites.

Recommended music material sites that can be used with confidence

The recommended music material site is " Epidemic Sound ".


Epidemic Sound is a music material site that has been used by YouTubers around the world for many years.

Subscription type (from $ 9 per month), unlimited download of "more than 35,000 songs" and "more than 90,000 sound effects".

 Epidemic Sound song is playing

In addition to being popular, it has a 30-day free trial , so it is also chosen by people who are just starting YouTube.

Like everyone else, when I started posting YouTube videos in 2018, I chose Epidemic Sound.

Fortunately, you can listen to all songs without registering.

>> Epidemic Sound official site

Create eye-catching thumbnails

Thumbnails are important.

It's really important.

Even if you go to great lengths to create a video, if the thumbnail is unattractive and people don't click on it, there's no point in making the video .

An overseas YouTuber with over 4 million subscribers said that thumbnails sometimes take longer than videos .

Thumbnails are so important.

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to "this is a good thumbnail", but there are some tricks to creating thumbnails that will help you get more views.

Previously, I posted the following content on Instagram with the title "7 points to create thumbnails that increase the number of views", so please refer to it.

By the way, there are two software (apps) that I use for thumbnails.

Canva (free design tool)

One is Canva.

If you've never used image processing software (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), I recommend giving Canva a try.

If ou hold down the points to increase the number of YouTube channel subscribers to 1,000, you can achieve monetization easily.

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