How to earn money online without paying anything.How to make extra money from home. How to make 100 dollars a day.How to make real money online.How to earn money online.

How to earn money online without paying anything.How to make extra money from home. How to make 100 dollars a day.How to make real money online.How to earn money online.

How to earn money online without paying anything.How to make extra money from home. How to make 100 dollars a day.How to make real money online.How to earn money online.

11 ways to make money! I will teach you how to earn money with side jobs and smartphone apps at home

Everyone has worries such as "I'm having a hard time living due to the decrease in overtime pay" and "I'm short of 50,000 yen a month for living expenses."

However, even if everyone wants to make money, the reality is that things do not always go as planned.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce in detail the recommended ways to make money for those who want to make money and make their lives easier with a side job .

I will also explain in detail about the side job that I actually experienced, so I hope you can refer to it.

What are the 3 things you should do to make money?

There are several ways to earn more money than you are now, such as "getting results in your main business," "side business," and "starting a business."

On the other hand, it is also true that there are many people who cannot make money even though they know there are ways to make money.

Before I introduce how to make money, I will first tell you from "3 points you should do to make money" .

1.Immediate action is important when thinking

"I'm interested in a side job, but the company might find out..." "I want to work part-time, but I don't have time."

No matter what, there is anxiety when trying new things. The point common to successful people in the world is "the ability to take action" .

. but nothing will start even if I'm worried.

If you have a side job that you are interested in, it is important to take action such as listening to the explanation first.

2.Experience everything! to continue without giving up

In order to achieve results, it is also important to continue without giving up .

For example, in the case of "Blog Affiliate" introduced this time, it is rare that you can earn money immediately after starting. 99% of people who just want money can earn 0 yen just by writing blog articles for 3 months.

In particular, blog affiliates are highly evaluated for high- quality articles (maniac and specialized articles), and their search rankings rise over time (search rankings are determined by

It will be necessary to keep posting good quality articles for at least six months to a year.

As you can see, there are some sacrifices to be made in order to be successful in any job.

It is also important not to give up even if there is a period when you do not receive any rewards, and to continue to treat it as "time for self-investment".

3. Imitating successful people (copying is prohibited)

In order to make delicious food, there are many people who refer to recipes made by masters or take advice from chefs.

Even when it comes to making money, it is important to follow the methods of successful people.

There are people who often get involved in untapped businesses, thinking, ``I might be able to make money because no one has done it yet.''

Let's start by imitating people who are already successful in genre that already has a market .

Introducing 6 ways to make money safely with your smartphone!

Here are 6 ways to make money with a safe and secure side business.

If you just want to earn money, there are many ways to do it, such as working part-time.

However, in the case of people who usually work at a company or are housewives, there may be many people who do not have enough time.

For such busy people, we recommend “how to make money with your smartphone” .

However, if you make money with your smartphone, depending on how you do it, there are many cases where you can earn only a few hundred or even a few thousand yen a month, so be careful.

① How to earn with “Bikkore” where you can get Bitcoin

One of the most popular side jobs is the new point site "Bikkore" where you can get bitcoins.

The point site that is easy and can be easily done at home has been the first to be mentioned as a standard side job. Bikkore is a new point site released in July 2021 that allows you to receive rewards in Bitcoin .

Since the reward is bitcoin, you can operate it as it is and make a profit, or you can immediately convert it to Japanese yen.

There are probably many people who are interested in bitcoin but feel uneasy because they do not have the knowledge to buy it themselves. With Bikkore, you can get Bitcoin as a reward, so you don't have to buy it yourself.

In addition, even if the price of bitcoin drops, it will not drop so much because the bitcoin is earned as a reward.

Many people are doing virtual currency as a side business, and it is not uncommon for people to earn hundreds of millions of dollars with virtual currency and turn it into their main business. There is a possibility of earning 100 million yen, and virtual currency that can be easily done at home is full of “dreams” that can make you rich.

Bikkore is currently running a campaign where you can get Bitcoin worth 100 yen just by registering as a free new member, and now you can get Bitcoin worth 1,000 yen. We recommend that you take this opportunity to register as a free member.

② How to earn money by reselling with a smartphone app 

There is some risk, but if you want to earn more than 30,000 yen every month, we recommend the method of earning by reselling.

The products that can be sold by resale change depending on the time of year, but the following products are the best sellers.

③ Earn money on point sites * Note that you cannot earn money in a short period

A point site is a site where you can earn points by answering surveys, watching advertisements, joining and posting reviews.

The points that can be earned vary from 1 point to 10,000 points per project, and in most cases 1 point is equivalent to 1 yen.

Accumulated points can be exchanged for cash, or you can exchange them for Amazon points.

For example, for the latest project of "Moppy" introduced below, you can receive the following rewards

④ Earn with virtual currency

There are also ways to earn money with virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The price fluctuations of virtual currencies are larger than stock prices, and there are cases where they fluctuate by 20 to 30% in a month.

If you catch the world situation well and invest, it is possible to make a profit of about tens of thousands of yen in a month.

On the other hand, cryptocurrency trading naturally entails risks.

The price may drop sharply just because "virtual currency is no longer recognized in foreign countries" or "a major figure in the business world has made negative comments about virtual currency".

If you do virtual currency, understand the risks before investing.

For reference, we have introduced some recommended virtual currency exchanges, so please refer to them as well.

⑤ Take photos and sell them to earn money

Recent smartphones are also capable of taking high-quality photos, so there is a way to earn additional income by having people buy the images you have taken.

Many images are used in blogs and news published on the Internet.

Depending on the site, there are places where they shoot in-house, but most of the sites purchase images from image sales sites.

" introduced below, you can buy the photos you have taken according to your membership rank, so if you are confident in your "photography sense", we recommend that you try it.

By the way, at Snapmart, medals are earned based on the number of photos posted on the site and the number of requests from buyers.

The reward rate changes depending on the number of medals, so if you work hard and get a good reputation, you can earn a certain amount of income.

How to make moneySummary of side jobs

This time, I introduced some ways to make money, but no matter how you earn it, you can't make money easily.

Even the people around you who seem to be making money easily put in a lot of effort until they can.

If you have a job that you are interested in among the ways to earn money introduced this time, let's take action first.

Even if there are some ups and downs, continuation is power.

If you want to earn more than others, keep in mind that you need to work and study more than others and take action.

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