How to monetize blogger.How to monetize your blog from day one.How to monetise your blog.How to monetize my blog.How to get monetization on blogger.

 How to monetize blogger.How to monetize your blog from day one.How to monetise your blog.How to monetize my blog.How to get monetization on blogger.

How to monetize blogger.How to monetize your blog from day one.How to monetise your blog.How to monetize my blog.How to get monetization on blogger.

“I often see people making money from their blogs, but how do they make money after all?”

“What should I start with to make money blogging?”

Many people think like this.

This time, I will introduce how to make money with a blog, including how to start a blog and how to make money.

Article table of contents

  1.  1 5 ways to make money with your blog
  2. 2 3 benefits of earning money from your blog
  3. 3 How to start a blog in 5 steps
  4. 4 4 tips to make money blogging
  5. 5 summary

  1.   5 ways to make money with your blog

  1. We've all heard that there are ways to make money blogging, but many of us may not be familiar with how they actually make money.

    There are five ways to earn income from your blog: affiliate or AdSense advertising income, attracting customers to your blog and selling your own products , selling content with notes, and using your blogging experience to act as a writer . increase.

    Let's explain them one by one.

    Earn advertising income from affiliates

    Affiliate (performance-based advertising) is a mechanism in which you post a link to a company's products on your blog and receive a reward when you purchase the product from that link .

    If you register for an intermediary service (ASP) with advertisers, you can start affiliate marketing, but ASP registration requires an examination, and if your blog does not publish about 10 articles, you must pass this examination. You can not.

    Specific examples of affiliate advertising and the estimated earnings are as follows.

    • Establishment of a virtual currency exchange: About 10,000 yen per deal
    • Credit card issuance: several thousand yen to 10,000 yen
    • Amazon and Rakuten product introduction: around 3% of the purchase amount
    • Video distribution service (U-NEXT and FOD Premium): Around 1000 yen

    Rewards will be transferred each time these are closed through your blog.

    In order to make money as an affiliate, it is necessary not only to have users read articles on your blog, but also to guide users to the conclusion of contracts, so not only writing skills but also web marketing skills are important.

    add google adsense

    Google Adsense is a system that pays you when someone clicks on an ad displayed on your blog .

    By simply pasting the Google AdSense tag on your blog, you can automatically display the most suitable advertisements to users browsing your site.

    However, the average reward for one click is about 30 yen , and since most users do not click on advertisements, it is said that it is difficult to earn large amounts.

    Also, in order to start Google Adsense, you have to pass a preliminary review , and depending on the genre, there are some genres that can not set up Adsense tags, so let's check before starting a blog.

    Attract customers to your blog and sell your products

    By attracting users to your blog and turning them into fans, you will be able to sell your products . Specifically, it is as follows.

    • Publish the method of earning money from a side job and eventually sell paid teaching materials
    • Post recipes on your blog and encourage people to join your cooking class

    Even if a product on Amazon or Rakuten Ichiba sells from your own blog, the reward is about 3% of the purchase price. It is not a dream to increase your income greatly.

    sell content with note

    Note is a SNS that is similar to a blog that mainly deals with text.

    note can sell articles written for a fee .

    In addition, note has various monetization methods, such as selling content as a paid subscription magazine , using Amazon affiliates, and creating circles (communities with monthly memberships that collect your own fans). There is a way.

    This is a particularly recommended way to earn money for those who want to share their creations with the world and earn money while interacting with fans.

    Working as a writer using blogging experience

    Even if you can't make money from your blog, you can still make money by using your blogging experience as a writer .

    When you run a blog, you will accumulate various know-how such as writing skills and SEO skills .

    Many writer projects are being recruited for crowdsourcing and sideline sites . If you submit your blog as a portfolio, it 's not that difficult to get a job .

    It's not uncommon for blogs to continue writing articles without making any money, but writers can always get paid for writing articles .

    3 benefits of earning money from your blog

  2. There are many benefits to earning money from blogging, but three of them stand out:

    Low initial cost and running cost

    There are two costs associated with running a blog.

    • Original domain (1500 yen/year)
    • Rental server (12,000 yen/year)

    The total cost is about 13,500 yen, which is about 1,100 yen per month , and if you purchase SEO tools and Wordpress themes, it will cost more, but anyone can manage a blog for about 2,500 yen per month .

    Compared to other businesses, it is said that Sedori requires an initial cost of 200,000 to 300,000 yen for inventory, and at least 100,000 yen for stocks, so you can see that a blog can be started at an extremely low cost.

    become one's property

    Once your blog is successfully monetized, you can automatically make money .

    Once the blog gets on track, the flow of people will continue to be generated, so even if updates stop, products will be sold and ads will be clicked, and revenue will continue to be generated without permission.

    acquire skills

    When you run a blog, you will accumulate various know-how such as writing skills, SEO skills, and marketing skills .

    Writing skills and SEO skills are very useful when working as a writer , and web marketing skills are very useful when finding a job or changing jobs in the web industry .

    Even if you don't make money blogging, blogging is attractive because you can learn these skills.

    How to start a blog in 5 steps

  3. In this chapter, we will explain how to start a specific blog in 5 steps.

    1. Choose a genre

    The first thing to do is to choose a blog genre, but this is the first trouble, and many people may not have a clue as to which genre to start writing articles in.

    For such people, keep the following three points in mind when selecting a genre.

    • do you have expertise
    • Is there a demand for the genre
    • Can I continue writing articles?

    2. Select products and advertisements to introduce on your blog

    Once you have decided on a genre, the next step is to choose the products and advertisements to introduce on your blog .

    No matter how good an article you write, if you can't prepare suitable products and advertisements , you can't make a profit.

    Be sure to check whether the products and advertisements introduced on the blog are available in ASP .

    3. Tailor your blog to your genre and product customers

    Once you have decided on the products and advertisements you want to introduce on your blog, start your blog immediately.

    There are several ways to start a blog, but if you want to monetize it, the basics are to use WordPress .

    After signing a contract with a rental server, get your own domain, link the server and domain, install Wordpress on the rental server, and perform the initial settings to complete the opening of your blog.

    This series of tasks may seem difficult, but with rental servers such as , most of the settings are automated, so anyone can easily open a server by following the instructions on the screen .

    After opening a blog with WordPress , you can customize it by installing plugins and themes .

    In particular, the theme determines the image of the blog, so choose one that matches the genre and atmosphere of the product .

    4. Create articles to introduce your ads and products

    Blogging is not as sweet as simply writing what you want and earning money from it.

    Think about what kind of articles you should write to appeal to users about the products and advertisements you introduce .

    For example, if you are affiliated with opening a virtual currency exchange, it is necessary to follow information that users who have not opened a virtual currency exchange may look for, so "How to start virtual currency" and "How to buy virtual currency" Create articles that are searched by keywords such as

    By always being conscious of the goal and working backwards from there, the articles to be written will naturally become clear.

    5. Update articles while correcting the trajectory based on access analysis and advertising revenue

    Even if you continue to write articles, there may come a time when you will be worried because it will not lead to any results.

    If you have just started your blog, no matter how good your content is, it will never rank high in search results.

    Be prepared that Google search is a long-term battle, as it is said that you will be evaluated only after writing about 50 articles .

    Even if you continue to write articles blindly without performing access analysis or improvement , access and revenue will not increase.

    If you write more than 50 articles and still don't get any results, there must be a problem somewhere, so let's repeat analysis and improvement .

    4 tips to make money blogging

  4. With blogging, very few people start making money in the first few months, and most give up and leave when it doesn't.

    Therefore, in this chapter, we will introduce 4 tips to overcome the time when you can not earn and earn income with your blog.

    Choose a genre with a high ad unit price

    High unit price projects have the power to generate sufficient revenue even with a small number of accesses . , 1000 yen / 1 case will not reach 100,000 yen unless 100 people close the contract in a month, so if you want to earn the same amount, you will need 10,000 accesses per month.

    If your goal is to earn 20,000 to 30,000 yen, which is equivalent to pocket money, the unit price does not have to be high, but if you want to earn more than 100,000 yen, we recommend that you choose a high unit price category.

    Choose a genre with a growing market

    No matter how good an article you write, if there is no demand in the market, users will not gather.

    Ride the boom by writing articles in genres where the market is growing.

    Recently, it is said that the market for genres such as virtual currency , subscriptions , and men's cosmetics is growing.

    Aim for keywords that are easy to rank high

    It is also important to write articles targeting keywords that are easy to rank high in search engines.

    If the blog is not displayed at the top, the article will not be read in the first place.

    When the blog itself has a low rating, it is recommended to write articles aiming for long tail keywords .

    A long-tail keyword is a search keyword that combines three or more words , such as "Tokyo's famous cherry blossom viewing spots." Although the monthly search volume is lower than the big keyword with only one word, it is easier to aim for higher ranking. .

    First of all, attack long tail keywords, and when the evaluation of the site itself has increased, aim for high ranking with middle keywords, big keywords, and keywords with high search volume .

    Send customers from articles for attracting customers to articles for profit

    Just because you want to make money, it is not recommended to write only profitable articles that users with a high desire to buy, such as "recommended ○ selection" and "how to buy ○○" .

    These keywords with high closing rates are dominated by major personal blogs and corporate media, so it is difficult to display them at the top no matter how good the quality of the article you write .

    It is said that the straight forward method to achieve both access and profit is to send customers from articles for attracting customers to articles for profit .

    You can generate revenue by writing niche articles that companies are not aiming for , attracting users, and linking those articles with profitable articles on your blog .

    It is said that the best balance is that 5% of all profitable articles, that is , 5 out of 100 articles are profitable articles .

    Of course, writing many articles to attract customers takes time and costs, but steady efforts create opportunities for personal blogs to win.


    In this article, I am going to share with you what you need to know in order to make money from your blog .

    There are many ways to make money with your blog, including affiliate advertising and selling your own products .

    Of course, not everyone will be able to earn money easily, but if you are aware of the four tips introduced in this article , monetization is by no means impossible.

    First of all, let's start by deciding the genre and products to be targeted and opening a blog.

    10 minutes for anyone! How to start a WordPress blog

    To start a blog, you can use free blogs such as Livedoor Blog or Hatena Blog,
    or you can use WordPress.

    Even if you don't have WordPress yet, the following article explains how to easily prepare it.
    Even beginners can start in just 10 minutes, so please refer to it.

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